Anthony J. Ross

Anthony J. Ross
Diocese of Santa Rosa, California
Anthony J. Ross

Rev. Anthony J. Ross

Anthony J. Ross was ordained for the Joliet diocese. There was news in 2002 that Ross molested a 15-year-old boy twice in 1981. His victim had letters he had received from Ross, which the boy’s parents found in 1983. They confronted the bishop and Ross admitted the abuse, was sent to treatment, and then returned to Joliet. The victim’s family discovered in 1993 that Ross was still in the ministry. Ross subsequently moved to the Santa Rosa diocese and worked as a prison chaplain. Incardinated to Santa Rosa 8/1/97.

He was later permanently removed in April of 2002 by Santa Rosa diocese when allegations became known. Ross was sued in 2006. The Joliet diocese agreed to release personnel files in March 2013 as part of the settlement in Rudofski v Joliet & Bennett. Files were released on 4/30/14 and he was added to the Santa Rosa diocese’s list on 1/12/19.

If you or someone you love was sexually abused by a priest or someone else associated with the Catholic Church, please contact Paul and his team to learn about the new law and to ensure your rights are protected.

Approximate location where Anthony J. Ross served