Anthony Martinez Garduno

Anthony Martinez Garduno
Diocese of San Bernardino, California
Anthony Martinez Garduno

Rev. Anthony Martinez Garduno

There were accusations that Anthony Martinez Garduno asked an adult man to strip during premarital counseling that surfaced in about 1993 and was sent for treatment. A church trial for heresy occurred after Garduno founded a separate Catholic sect in 1996. He was “removed from the clerical state” and later arrested in December 2009. He was charged with abuse of a 17-year-old boy 4 years before and continued the sale of drugs from the church. The accuser said he knew of other minor victims who had been abused at that location. Garduno was sentenced in March 2010 to 2 years prison on drug and gun charges.

If you or someone you love was sexually abused by a priest or someone else associated with the Catholic Church, please contact Paul and his team to learn about the new law and to ensure your rights are protected.

Approximate location where Anthony Martinez Garduno served