Carlos Rene Rodriguez
Father Carlos Rene Rodriguez, C.M.
Carlos Rene Rodriquez’s first abuse report was in 1987 and he was placed on leave in 1993.
Rodriguez was convicted in 2004 of abuse of 2 teen boys 1988-93. He was sentenced to 8 years’ prison, accused of abuse prior to 1994 in civil litigation, and laicized 1993 (or 1998 per L.A. Archdiocese). He was included in a 12/06 $60M settlement involving 22 priests, which covered all of the cases that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985.
Carlos Rene was released from prison in 1/08 and his personnel file was released in 1/13. The Order file was released on 9/9/13.
He was found in 10/16 ministering at an L.A. church not affiliated with the archdiocese, using the name Carlos Ramirez, but was removed after publicity. A lawsuit filed in 10/18 by 2 brothers alleging abuse in the 1990s in Riverside, when they were ages 12 and 7. A warning in 6/19 from archdiocese that Rodriguez was reported to be saying mass in homes, that he is not a priest and is a convicted abuser. He was on Vincentians’ list in 2020.
If you or someone you love was sexually abused by a priest or someone else associated with the Catholic Church, please contact Paul and his team to learn about the new law and to ensure your rights are protected.
LA Archdiocesan Report Errata Notice # 1;
USA Today 11.11.02;
Los Angeles Daily News 07.01.03;
Ventura County Star 12.07.03;
LA Archdiocesan Report 02.17.04;
Contra Costa Times (AP) 03.13.04;
John Roe 4 vs Does, Cause No 1156450, Superior Court of California 08.27.04;
Ventura County Star 01.09.05;
LA Archdiocesan Report Addendum 11.15.05;
LA Times Database 04.20.06;
LA Times 12.02.06;
Ventura County Star 12.02.06;
City of Angels 12.07.07;
City of Angels 01.22.08;
Ventura County Star 10.04.09;
LA Daily News 10.12.12;
LA Times 02.01.13;
NY Times 02.04.13;
SNAP Statement 09.08.13;
Los Angeles Daily News 09.09.13;
Sun Herald 09.09.13;
Gallup Independent 12.10.13;
My News LA 11.01.16;
KPCC Radio 10.25.18;
San Bernardino Sun 10.25.18;
Palm Springs Desert Sun 11.01.18;
KEYT 3 TV 06.21.19;
Ventura County Star 06.25.19;
Los Angeles Daily News 07.06.20
Vincentians Western Province List 12.07.20